Source code for Starfish.transforms

import extinction  # This may be marked as unused, but is necessary
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebval
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from scipy.special import j1

from Starfish.constants import c_kms
from Starfish.utils import calculate_dv

[docs]def resample(wave, flux, new_wave): """ Resample onto a new wavelength grid using k=5 spline interpolation Parameters ---------- wave : array_like The original wavelength grid flux : array_like The fluxes to resample new_wave : array_like The new wavelength grid Raises ------ ValueError If the new wavelength grid is not strictly increasing monotonic Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The resampled flux with the same 1st dimension as the input flux """ if np.any(new_wave <= 0): raise ValueError("Wavelengths must be positive") if flux.ndim > 1: interpolators = [InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave, fl, k=5) for fl in flux] return np.array([interpolator(new_wave) for interpolator in interpolators]) else: return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave, flux, k=5)(new_wave)
[docs]def instrumental_broaden(wave, flux, fwhm): """ Broadens given flux by convolving with a Gaussian kernel appropriate for a spectrograph's instrumental properties. Follows the given equation .. math:: f = f * \\mathcal{F}^{\\text{inst}}_v .. math:: \\mathcal{F}^{\\text{inst}}_v = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi \\sigma^2}} \\exp \\left[-\\frac12 \\left( \\frac{v}{\\sigma} \\right)^2 \\right] This is carried out by multiplication in the Fourier domain rather than using a convolution function. Parameters ---------- wave : array_like The current wavelength grid flux : array_like The current flux fwhm : float The full width half-maximum of the instrument in km/s. Note that this is quivalent to :math:`2.355\\cdot \\sigma` Raises ------ ValueError If the full width half maximum is negative. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The broadened flux with the same shape as the input flux """ if fwhm < 0: raise ValueError("FWHM must be non-negative") dv = calculate_dv(wave) freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(flux.shape[-1], d=dv) flux_ff = np.fft.rfft(flux) sigma = fwhm / 2.355 flux_ff *= np.exp(-2 * (np.pi * sigma * freq) ** 2) flux_final = np.fft.irfft(flux_ff, n=flux.shape[-1]) return flux_final
[docs]def rotational_broaden(wave, flux, vsini): """ Broadens flux according to a rotational broadening kernel from Gray (2005) [1]_ Parameters ---------- wave : array_like The current wavelength grid flux : array_like The current flux vsini : float The rotational velocity in km/s Raises ------ ValueError if `vsini` is not positive Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The broadened flux with the same shape as the input flux .. [1] Gray, D. (2005). *The observation and Analysis of Stellar Photospheres*. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CB09781316036570 """ if vsini <= 0: raise ValueError("vsini must be positive") dv = calculate_dv(wave) freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(flux.shape[-1], dv) flux_ff = np.fft.rfft(flux) # Calculate the stellar broadening kernel (Gray 2008) ub = 2.0 * np.pi * vsini * freq # Remove 0th frequency ub = ub[1:] sb = j1(ub) / ub - 3 * np.cos(ub) / (2 * ub ** 2) + 3.0 * np.sin(ub) / (2 * ub ** 3) flux_ff *= np.insert(sb, 0, 1.0) flux_final = np.fft.irfft(flux_ff, n=flux.shape[-1]) return flux_final
[docs]def doppler_shift(wave, vz): """ Doppler shift a spectrum according to the formula .. math:: \\lambda \\cdot \\sqrt{\\frac{c + v_z}{c - v_z}} Parameters ---------- wave : array_like The unshifted wavelengths vz : float The doppler velocity in km/s Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Altered wavelengths with the same shape as the input wavelengths """ dv = np.sqrt((c_kms + vz) / (c_kms - vz)) return wave * dv
[docs]def extinct(wave, flux, Av, Rv=3.1, law="ccm89"): """ Extinct a spectrum following one of many empirical extinction laws. This makes use of the `extinction` package. In general, it follows the form .. math:: f \\cdot 10^{-0.4 A_V \\cdot A_\\lambda(R_V)} Parameters ---------- wave : array_like The input wavelengths in Angstrom flux : array_like The input fluxes Av : float The absolute attenuation Rv : float, optional The relative attenuation (the default is 3.1, which is the Milky Way average) law : str, optional The extinction law to use. One of `{'ccm89', 'odonnell94', 'calzetti00', 'fitzpatrick99', 'fm07'}` (the default is 'ccm89') Raises ------ ValueError If `law` does not match one of the availabe laws ValueError If Rv is not positive Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The extincted fluxes, with same shape as input fluxes. """ if law not in ["ccm89", "odonnell94", "calzetti00", "fitzpatrick99", "fm07"]: raise ValueError("Invalid extinction law given") if Rv <= 0: raise ValueError("Rv must be positive") law_fn = eval("extinction.{}".format(law)) if law == "fm07": A_l = law_fn(wave.astype(np.double), Av) else: A_l = law_fn(wave.astype(np.double), Av, Rv) flux_final = flux * 10 ** (-0.4 * A_l) return flux_final
[docs]def rescale(flux, scale): """ Rescale the given flux via the following equation .. math:: f \\cdot \\Omega Parameters ---------- flux : array_like The input fluxes scale : float or array_like The scaling factor. If an array, must have same shape as the batch dimension of :attr:`flux` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The rescaled fluxes with the same shape as the input fluxes """ scale = np.atleast_1d(scale) if len(scale) > 1: scale = scale[:, np.newaxis] return flux * scale
[docs]def renorm(wave, flux, reference_flux): """ Renormalize one spectrum to another This uses the :meth:`rescale` function with a :attr:`log_scale` of .. math:: \\log \\Omega = \\left. \\int{f^{*}(w) dw} \\middle/ \\int{f(w) dw} \\right. where :math:`f^{*}` is the reference flux, :math:`f` is the source flux, and the integrals are over a common wavelength grid Parameters ---------- wave : array_like The wavelength grid for the source flux flux : array_like The flux for the source reference_flux : array_like The reference source to renormalize to Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The renormalized flux """ factor = _get_renorm_factor(wave, flux, reference_flux) return rescale(flux, factor)
def _get_renorm_factor(wave, flux, reference_flux): ref_int = np.trapz(reference_flux, wave) flux_int = np.trapz(flux, wave, axis=-1) return ref_int / flux_int
[docs]def chebyshev_correct(wave, flux, coeffs): """ Multiply the input flux by a Chebyshev series in order to correct for calibration-level discrepancies. Parameters ---------- wave : array-lioke Input wavelengths flux : array-like Input flux coeffs : array-like The coefficients for the chebyshev series. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The corrected flux Raises ------ ValueError If only processing a single spectrum and the linear coefficient is not 1. """ # have to scale wave to fit on domain [0, 1] coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs) if coeffs.ndim == 1 and coeffs[0] != 1: raise ValueError( "For single spectrum the linear Chebyshev coefficient (c[0]) must be 1" ) scale_wave = wave / wave.max() p = chebval(scale_wave, coeffs, tensor=False) return flux * p