Source code for Starfish.grid_tools.interpolators

import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .utils import determine_chunk_log


class IndexInterpolator:
    Object to return fractional distance between grid points of a single grid variable.

    :param parameter_list: list of parameter values
    :type parameter_list: iterable

    def __init__(self, parameter_list):
        parameter_list = np.asarray(parameter_list)
        self.npars = parameter_list.shape[-1]
        self.parameter_list = np.unique(parameter_list)
        self.index_interpolator = interp1d(
            self.parameter_list, np.arange(len(self.parameter_list)), kind="linear"

    def __call__(self, param):
        Evaluate the interpolator at a parameter.

        :param param:
        :type param: list
        :raises ValueError: if *value* is out of bounds.

        :returns: ((low_val, high_val), (frac_low, frac_high)), the lower and higher bounding points in the grid
        and the fractional distance (0 - 1) between them and the value.
        if len(param) != self.npars:
            raise ValueError(
                "Incorrect number of parameters. Expected {} but got {}".format(
                    self.npars, len(param)
            index = self.index_interpolator(param)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Requested param {} is out of bounds.".format(param))
        high = np.ceil(index).astype(int)
        low = np.floor(index).astype(int)
        frac_index = index - low
        return (
            (self.parameter_list[low], self.parameter_list[high]),
            ((1 - frac_index), frac_index),

[docs]class Interpolator: """ Quickly and efficiently interpolate a synthetic spectrum for use in an MCMC simulation. Caches spectra for easier memory load. :param interface: The interface to the spectra :type interface: :obj:`HDF5Interface` (recommended) or :obj:`RawGridInterface` :param wl_range: If provided, the data wavelength range of the region you are trying to fit. Used to truncate the grid for speed. Default is (0, np.inf) :type wl_range: tuple (min, max) :param cache_max: maximum number of spectra to hold in cache :type cache_max: int :param cache_dump: how many spectra to purge from the cache once :attr:`cache_max` is reached :type cache_dump: int .. warning:: Interpolation causes degradation of information of the model spectra without properly forward propagating the errors from interpolation. We highly recommend using the :ref:`Spectral Emulator <Spectral Emulator>` """ def __init__(self, interface, wl_range=(0, np.inf), cache_max=256, cache_dump=64): self.interface = interface self.wl = self.interface.wl mask = (self.wl < wl_range[-1]) & (self.wl < wl_range[1]) self.wl = self.wl[mask] self.dv = self.interface.dv self.npars = len(interface.param_names) self._determine_chunk_log() self._setup_index_interpolators() self.cache = OrderedDict([]) self.cache_max = cache_max self.cache_dump = ( cache_dump # how many to clear once the maximum cache has been reached ) self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) def _determine_chunk_log(self): """ Determine the minimum chunk size that we can use and then truncate the synthetic wavelength grid and the returned spectra. Assumes HDF5Interface is LogLambda spaced, because otherwise you shouldn't need a grid with 2^n points, because you would need to interpolate in wl space after this anyway. """ wl_interface = self.interface.wl # The grid we will be truncating. wl_min, wl_max = np.min(self.wl), np.max(self.wl) # Previously this routine retuned a tuple () which was the ranges to truncate to. # Now this routine returns a Boolean mask, # so we need to go and find the first and last true values ind = determine_chunk_log(wl_interface, wl_min, wl_max) self.wl = self.wl[ind] # Find the index of the first and last true values self.interface.ind = np.argwhere(ind)[0][0], np.argwhere(ind)[-1][0] + 1
[docs] def __call__(self, parameters): """ Interpolate a spectrum :param parameters: stellar parameters :type parameters: numpy.ndarray or list .. note:: Automatically pops :attr:`cache_dump` items from cache if full. """ parameters = np.asarray(parameters) if len(self.cache) > self.cache_max: [self.cache.popitem(False) for i in range(self.cache_dump)] self.cache_counter = 0 return self.interpolate(parameters)
def _setup_index_interpolators(self): # create an interpolator between grid points indices. # Given a parameter value, produce fractional index between two points # Store the interpolators as a list self.index_interpolator = IndexInterpolator(self.interface.points) lenF = self.interface.ind[1] - self.interface.ind[0] self.fluxes = np.empty((2**self.npars, lenF)) # 8 rows, for temp, logg, Z
[docs] def interpolate(self, parameters): """ Interpolate a spectrum without clearing cache. Recommended to use :meth:`__call__` instead to take advantage of caching. :param parameters: grid parameters :type parameters: numpy.ndarray or list :raises ValueError: if parameters are out of bounds. """ parameters = np.asarray(parameters) # Previously, parameters was a dictionary of the stellar parameters. # Now that we have moved over to arrays, it is a numpy array. params, weights = self.index_interpolator(parameters) # Selects all the possible combinations of parameters and weights param_combos = list(itertools.product(*np.array(params).T)) weight_combos = list(itertools.product(*np.array(weights).T)) # Assemble key list necessary for indexing cache key_list = [self.interface.key_name.format(*param) for param in param_combos] weight_list = np.array([ for weight in weight_combos]) assert np.allclose( np.sum(weight_list), np.array(1.0) ), "Sum of weights must equal 1, {}".format(np.sum(weight_list)) # Assemble flux vector from cache, or load into cache if not there for i, param in enumerate(param_combos): key = key_list[i] if key not in self.cache.keys(): # This method already allows loading only the relevant region from HDF5 fl = self.interface.load_flux(param, header=False) self.cache[key] = fl self.fluxes[i] = self.cache[key] * weight_list[i] return np.sum(self.fluxes, axis=0)